2019-20 State Aid Projections

Preliminary Estimate of 2018-19 and 2019-20 State Aids
Payable under Section 3609 plus Other Aids


2018-19 Base Year Aids:

For 2018-19 Aid, the Actual Valuation (AV) of taxable real property for purposes of determining a district's property wealth per pupil is defined as the 2015 AV. For aid other than Foundation Aid, the State average of the 2015 AV per 2016-17 Total Wealth Pupil Unit (TWPU) is $598,200. Income wealth is based on 2015 Adjusted Gross Income of residents of the district, as reported on tax returns and including the results of the statewide computerized income verification process, divided by the TWPU of the district. This is compared to the State average of $210,100. The AV and Income Wealth ratios are used equally to compute the district's Combined Wealth Ratio (CWR). Some formulas use the Resident Weighted Average Daily Attendance (RWADA) wealth ratio; the State average 2015 AV per 2016-17 RWADA is $738,000. Transportation Aid uses the Enrollment (Resident Public and Nonpublic Enrollment) wealth ratio; the State average is $669,800. For Foundation Aid, Selected AV is the lesser of 2015 AV or the average of 2015 AV and 2014 AV

Foundation Aid: The 2018-19 Foundation Aid is the sum of (1) the 2017-18 Foundation Aid Base (FAB) plus (2) the greater of (i) the Phase-in Foundation Increase or (ii) an Additional Increase or (iii) a Due Minimum plus (3) the increase in Foundation Aid under the 2018-19 Executive Budget Proposal (BT1819). Total Foundation Aid is equal to the product of the Selected Total Aidable Foundation Pupil Units (TAFPU) multiplied by Selected Foundation Aid.

The Phase-in Foundation Increase is a phase-in factor multiplied by the positive difference of (1) Total Foundation Aid minus (2) the 2017-18 FAB. The Big 5 City School Districts are only eligible for phase-in, and not Additional Increase or Due Minimum. The phase-in factor is the greater of the following:
  1. for all school districts, 1.848 percent;
  2. for school districts receiving less than 50 percent of Total Foundation Aid and where the three-year average free and reduced price lunch rate for 2018-19 increased by more than 4 percent over 2017-18, 4.599 percent;
  3. for school districts whose boundaries include all or a portion of a small city, 3.498 percent;
  4. for the New York City School District, 7.93 percent;
  5. for the Buffalo City School District, 8.03 percent;
  6. for the Rochester City School District, 5.88 percent;
  7. for the Yonkers City School District, 7.2 percent;
  8. for the Syracuse City School District, 10.0 percent; and
  9. for school districts receiving less than 60 percent of Total Foundation Aid, 3.2 percent.

The Additional Increase is equal to the greater of the following:

  1. A district is eligible for an Additional Increase A if the district’s English language learner count is more than 3.0 percent of public school district enrollment. Additional Increase A is equal to:
    Public Enrollment X ELL Factor X $28.92
    The "ELL Factor" is equal to:
    3 - (Lesser of FACWR or 1.0)
  2. A district is eligible for Additional Increase B if a district’s sparsity factor is greater than zero. Additional Increase B is equal to:
    Public Enrollment X FACWR Factor X FRPL Factor X $137.97
    The "FACWR factor" is equal to 1.75 for districts with a Combined Wealth Ratio for Foundation Aid (FACWR) less than 0.49, 1 for districts with a FACWR between 0.49 and 1.0, and 0.75 for districts with a FACWR greater than or equal to one.

    The "FRPL factor" is equal to 0.5 plus the larger of the three-year average free and reduced price lunch rate for 2017-18 aid or for 2018-19 aid.
  3. A district is eligible for Additional Increase C if (1) the three-year average free and reduced price lunch percent for 2018-19 grew by more than 1.05 percent over 2017-18, (2) the FACWR is less than 0.91, and (3) the district is receiving less than or equal to 77 percent of Total Foundation Aid. Additional Increase C aid is equal to:
    Public Enrollment X $121.75

The Due Minimum is equal to the greater of the following:

  1. The difference of the product of the 2017-18 Foundation Aid multiplied by 1.9 percent less the Executive Foundation Aid Increase; or
  2. The product of the Executive Foundation Aid Increase multiplied by 18 percent.

Selected Foundation Aid is the greater of $500 or Formula Foundation Aid or Alternate Foundation Aid. Formula Foundation Aid is the positive result of (a) the district-adjusted foundation amount which is the basic foundation amount for 2017-18 ($6,422) multiplied by the consumer price index (1.021) multiplied by a phase-in foundation percent (1.0000) multiplied by a Regional Cost Index (RCI) multiplied by a Pupil Need Index (PNI) less (b) an expected minimum local contribution. Alternate Foundation Aid is the result of the State Sharing Ratio (SSR) for Foundation Aid multiplied by the district-adjusted foundation amount. The Selected TAFPU is based on Average Daily Membership (ADM) including dual enrollment plus additional weightings for: students with disabilities (including dual enrolled SWD) at 1.41, summer school at 0.12 and declassification pupils at 0.50. The PNI is 1 plus the Extraordinary Needs percent (based on economic disadvantage, English language learners and sparsity) and ranges between 1 and 2. The expected minimum local contribution is the product of Selected Actual Value per 2016-17 Total Wealth Foundation Pupil Units (TWFPU) and 0.0165 multiplied by an Income Wealth Index (which ranges from 0.65 to 2.0). TWFPU is based on ADM and eliminates additional weightings. The SSR for Foundation Aid is the highest of the following formulas. For high need/resource-capacity districts, the SSR is multiplied by 1.05. It is not less than zero nor more than 0.90.

(1) Ratio = 1.37 - (1.23 * FACWR);
(2) Ratio = 1.00 - (0.64 * FACWR);
(3) Ratio = 0.80 - (0.39 * FACWR);
(4) Ratio = 0.51 - (0.173 * FACWR).

The Combined Wealth Ratio for Foundation Aid (FACWR) is calculated as: (A) 0.5 multiplied by the district Selected Actual Valuation/2016-17 TWPU compared to the State average of $584,600; plus, (B) 0.5 multiplied by the district Selected Income/2016-17 TWPU compared to the State average of $206,000. For Foundation Aid, Selected AV is the lesser of 2015 AV or the average of 2015 AV and 2014 AV. Selected Income is the lesser of 2015 Income or the average of 2015 Income and 2014 Income.

Full Day K Conversion: Districts with any half-day kindergarten or no kindergarten programs in 1996-97 and in the base year are eligible for Full Day K Conversion Aid equal to Selected Foundation Aid per Selected TAFPU multiplied by the increase in full day kindergarten enrollment in the current year over the prior year. School districts must offer full day programs to all kindergarten students in order to qualify for this aid. Starting in 2014-15, a district is not eligible if it received Full Day K Conversion Aid in the past.

Universal Pre-kindergarten: A district will be eligible for Universal Pre-kindergarten Aid in 2018-19 up to the maximum allocation for the 2017-18 school year. For comparison to the 2019-20 estimates, base year Universal Pre-kindergarten Aid includes the maximum allocations for 2018-19 Federal Preschool Development Expansion Grant (awarded 2015), 2018-19 Expanded Prekindergarten for Three- and Four-Year-Old Students (awarded 2015), 2018-19 Expanded Prekindergarten for Three-Year-Old Students (awarded 2016), 2018-19 Expanded Prekindergarten for Three- and Four-Year-Old Students (awarded 2017), and 2018-19 Expanded Prekindergarten Expansion Grants for Three- and Four-Year-Old Students (awarded 2018). Statewide Universal Full-day Prekindergarten (awarded 2014) is also included for purposes of this data release.

BOCES: BOCES Aid for administrative, shared services, rental and capital expenditures plus Aid Due Save-harmless. Approved expenditure for BOCES Administrative and Shared Services Aids is based on a salary limit of $30,000. Aid is based on approved 2017-18 administrative and service expenditures and the higher of the millage ratio or the Current AV/2016-17 RWADA Aid Ratio: (1 – (0.51 * RWADA Wealth Ratio)) with a 0.36 minimum and 0.90 maximum. Rent and Capital Aids are based on 2018-19 expenditures multiplied by the Current AV/RWADA Aid ratio with a 0.00 minimum and a 0.90 maximum. Payable Aid is the sum of these aids including save-harmless.

Special Services: Special Services Aid, for non-components of BOCES including the Big 5 City school districts, is the sum of Career Education Aid, Academic Improvement Aid and Computer Administration Aid. Career Education Aid equals the Aid Ratio (1 - (0.59 * CWR), with a 0.36 minimum) multiplied by $3,900 multiplied by the 2017-18 Career Education pupils including the pupils in business and marketing sequences weighted at 0.16. Academic Improvement Aid equals the Aid Ratio (1 - (0.59 * CWR), with a 0.36 minimum) multiplied by $100 plus $1,000/CWR, minimum of $1,000, multiplied by the 2017-18 Career Education pupils including the pupils in business and marketing sequences weighted at 0.16. Computer Administration Aid equals the Aid Ratio (1 - (0.51 * CWR), with a 0.30 minimum) multiplied by approved expenditures not to exceed the maximum of $62.30 multiplied by the estimated 2017-18 public school enrollment by district of attendance with half-day kindergarten weighted at 1.0.

High Cost Excess Cost: High Cost expenditures, for students with disabilities attending public schools or BOCES, must exceed the lesser of $10,000 or four times district 2016-17 Approved Operating Expenditure/TAPU for Expenditure. The aid per pupil equals the allowed expenditure times the Aid Ratio (1 - (0.51 * CWR), with a 0.25 minimum).

Private Excess Cost: Private Excess Cost Aid is for public school students attending private schools for students with disabilities. Net tuition expenditure is multiplied by the Aid Ratio (1 - (0.15 * CWR), with a 0.5 minimum).

Hardware & Technology: The Instructional Computer Hardware and Technology Equipment Aid that can be claimed by the district in 2018-19 for instructional computer hardware expenditures (acquisition and limited repair expenditures) is equal to the lesser of 2017-18 expenditures or $24.20 multiplied by the enrollment for Software Aid (see below) multiplied by the 2017-18 Hardware Aid Ratio (1 - .51 * RWADA wealth ratio). Some districts may receive no aid.

Software, Library, Textbook: All three aids use 2017-18 expenditures and pupil counts. The maximum Software Aid equals $14.98 per pupil and the maximum Library Materials Aid equals $6.25 per pupil, each multiplied by the combined 2017-18 public plus nonpublic enrollment for pupils attending school in the district plus district pupils attending full time BOCES and private school programs for students with disabilities plus pupils attending the State operated schools at Rome and Batavia and resident pupils placed in Special Act school districts. Aid cannot exceed approved or designated expenditures. Textbook Aid equals $43.25 per pupil for Regular Textbook Aid plus $15 per pupil for Lottery Textbook Aid multiplied by resident public plus resident nonpublic enrollment plus resident pupils with disabilities attending approved private schools or the State operated schools at Rome and Batavia and resident pupils placed in Special Act school districts. Textbook Aid is not to exceed actual or designated expenditures for purchase of textbooks during 2017-18. Charter school enrollments are included in the pupil counts.

Transportation incl Summer: Aid for non-capital expenditures is based upon estimated approved transportation operating expenditure multiplied by the selected transportation aid ratio with a 0.9 maximum and a 0.065 minimum. The selected aid ratio is the highest of a sparsity adjustment plus 1.263 multiplied by the Selected State Sharing Ratio, 1.01 - (0.46 X RWADA Wealth Ratio), or 1.01 - (0.46 X Enrollment Wealth Ratio). Aid for capital expenditures, including district operated summer school, is computed as above, but based on the assumed amortization of purchase, lease and equipment costs over five years, at a statewide average interest rate. Transportation Aid for district operated summer school programs is prorated to total no more than $5.0 million statewide. Aid is provided, based on approved transportation operating expenditures and the selected transportation aid ratio, for the transportation of pupils to approved district operated summer programs.

Building + Bldg Reorg Incentive: Aidable building expenditures are for capital outlay, leases, certain capital outlay exceptions, certain refinancing costs and an assumed debt service payment based on the useful life of the project and an average interest rate. Building Aid is equal to the product of the estimated approved building expenditures multiplied by the highest of the 1981-82 through the Current AV/RWADA Aid Ratio. For projects approved on or after July 1, 2000, expenditures are multiplied by the higher of the Building Aid Ratio used for 1999-00 aid less 0.10 or the Current AV/RWADA Aid Ratio or, for eligible projects, the low income aid ratio. For projects approved on or after July 1, 2005 for high need/resource-capacity districts, expenditures are multiplied by 0.05 multiplied by the same aid ratio used for projects approved on or after July 1, 2000, however reimbursement is limited to 98 percent, including the incentive of up to 10 percent. Up to 10 percent of additional building aid is provided for projects approved on or after July 1, 1998. For districts that have reorganized, Reorganization Incentive Building Aid is included as in permanent law. Aid is not estimated for those prospective and deferred projects that had not fully met all eligibility requirements as of the November 2017 database. The NY Safe Act provided that, for projects approved by the commissioner on or after July 1, 2013, specified safety system improvements will be eligible for enhanced re-imbursement under the state’s School Building Aid formula (a rate up to 10 percent higher than their current building aid ratio). The enhanced aid ratio is extended through the 2022-23 aid year. Current statute also provides school districts may receive partial reimbursement for base year expenditures associated with approved water testing and remediation costs.

Operating Reorg. Incentive: Reorganization Incentive Operating Aid is up to 40 percent of 2006-07 Formula Operating Aid for districts reorganized after July 1, 2007. The sum of 2006-07 Formula Operating Aid and Incentive Operating Aid is limited to 95 percent of 2016-17 Approved Operating Expenditure.

Charter School Transitional: For districts whose charter school enrollment exceeds 2 percent of resident public school enrollment or whose charter school payments exceed 2 percent of TGFE, transitional aid is provided for 2018-19. A district's aid will equal the sum of Tier 1, 2 and 3 aids. Tier 1 Aid equals the product of 80 percent of the 2017-18 charter school total basic tuition, multiplied by the increase in the number of resident pupils enrolled in a charter school between the 2016-17 and 2017-18 school years. Tier 2 Aid equals the product of 60 percent of the 2017-18 charter school total basic tuition, multiplied by the increase in the number of resident pupils enrolled in a charter school between the 2015-16 and 2016-17 school years. Tier 3 Aid equals the product of 40 percent of the 2017-18 charter school total basic tuition, multiplied by the increase in the number of resident pupils enrolled in a charter school between the 2014-15 and 2015-16 school years.

Academic Enhancement: For the 2018-19 school year Academic Enhancement Aid is the same as the 2008-09 amount set forth in the computer run for the 2009-10 enacted budget. This amount also includes $17.5 million for supplemental educational improvement plan programs in the Yonkers City School District, up to $1,200,000 for the New York City School District for academic achievement programs and $1,247,799 for the Albany School District.

High Tax Aid: For the 2018-19 school year High Tax Aid is the same as the 2017-18 High Tax Aid amount set forth in the computer run for the 2017-18 enacted budget.

Supplemental Pub Excess Cost: For the 2018-19 school year Supplemental Public Excess Cost Aid is the same as the 2008-09 Supplemental Public Excess Cost Aid amount set forth in the computer run for the 2009-10 enacted budget.

Total:  Sum of the above aids.

Community Schools Setaside: The amount of Foundation Aid in the 2018-19 school year set aside in the 2018-19 enacted budget to support Community Schools.


2019-20 Estimated Aids:

For 2019-20 Aid, the Actual Valuation (AV) of taxable real property for purposes of determining a district's property wealth per pupil is defined as the 2016 AV. For aid other than Foundation Aid, the State average of the 2016 AV per 2017-18 Total Wealth Pupil Unit (TWPU) is $632,200. Income wealth is based on 2016 Adjusted Gross Income of residents of the district, as reported on tax returns and including the results of the statewide computerized income verification process, divided by the TWPU of the district. This is compared to the State average of $207,600. The AV and Income Wealth ratios are used equally to compute the district's Combined Wealth Ratio (CWR). Some formulas use the Resident Weighted Average Daily Attendance (RWADA) wealth ratio; the State average 2016 AV per 2017-18 RWADA is $782,900. Transportation Aid uses the Enrollment (Resident Public and Nonpublic Enrollment) wealth ratio; the State average is $707,600. For Foundation Aid, Selected AV is the lesser of 2016 AV or the average of 2016 AV and 2015 AV.

Foundation Aid:   The 2019-20 Foundation Aid is equal to the sum of:

  • the 2018-19 Foundation Aid Base (FAB) plus
  • the increase in Foundation Aid under the 2019-20 Executive Proposal, plus
  • the difference between 2018-19 Foundation Aid as of the Executive Proposal less the FAB, but no less than zero, plus
  • the maximum of tiers A through J.

Foundation Aid remaining is equal to the positive difference of Total Foundation Aid less the FAB.

  1. Tier A is equal to the maximum of:
    • the positive difference of 0.75 percent multiplied by the FAB, less the Executive Foundation Aid Increase; or
    • the Executive Foundation Aid increase multiplied by 5 percent.
  2. Tier B is equal to the phase-in factor multiplied by Foundation Aid remaining. The phase-in factor for Tier B is equal to:
    • for the New York City School District, 9.011 percent;
    • for the Buffalo City School District, 10 percent;
    • for the Rochester City School District, 6 percent;
    • for the Syracuse City School District, 8 percent;
    • for the Yonkers City School District, 13.05 percent; and
    • for all other school districts, 1.37 percent.
  3. Tier C is equal to Total Foundation Aid multiplied by 50 percent, less the FAB. A district is eligible if:
    • the FAB divided by Total Foundation Aid is less than 50 percent; and
    • the Foundation Aid Pupil Wealth Ratio is less than 1.1 or the CWR declined by more than 0.025 from 2018-19 to 2019-20.
  4. Tier D is equal to 2.5 percent multiplied by Foundation Aid remaining. A district is eligible if:
    • Public enrollment increased by more than 10 percent from 2008-09 to 2018-19,
    • English Language Learners increased by more than 10 percent from 2012-13 to 2018-19,
    • the Combined Wealth Ratio decreased by more than 10 percent from 2014-15 to 2019-20, and
    • the Foundation Aid Pupil Wealth Ratio is less than 1.4.
  5. Tier E is equal to 2.05 percent multiplied by Foundation Aid remaining. A district is eligible if:
    • Public enrollment decreased from 2013-14 to 2018-19,
    • the 3-year Average Direct Certification percentage is greater than 36 percent; and
    • English Language Learners increased by more than 34 percent from 2013-14 to 2018-19 or increased more than 100 pupils from 2017-18 to 2018-19.
  6. Tier F is equal to FAB multiplied by 2.38 percent, less the Executive Foundation Aid Increase. A district is eligible if:
    • the FAB divided by Total Foundation Aid is less than 75 percent;
    • the 3-year Average Direct Certification percentage is greater than 44 percent; and
    • the K-6, 3-year average Free and Reduced Lunch percentage is greater than 55 percent.
  7. Tier G is equal to 2.77 percent multiplied by Foundation Aid remaining. A district is eligible if:
    • the Foundation Aid Pupil Wealth Ratio is less than 0.7; and
    • Public enrollment increased by one or more percent from 2015-16 to 2018-19.
  8. Tier H is equal to 11.24 percent multiplied by Foundation Aid remaining. A district is eligible if the district’s boundaries include all or a portion of a small city.
  9. Tier I is equal to FAB multiplied by 2 percent. A district is eligible if the district’s boundaries include all or a portion of a small city.
  10. Tier J is equal to the maximum of the Foundation Aid remaining multiplied by 4.8 percent or FAB multiplied by 0.75 percent. A district is eligible if:
    • the sparsity factor is greater than zero and
    • Foundation Aid Combined Wealth Ratio is less than or equal to 1.5.

Selected Foundation Aid is the greater of $500 or Formula Foundation Aid or Alternate Foundation Aid. Formula Foundation Aid is the positive result of (a) the district-adjusted foundation amount which is the basic foundation amount for 2018-19 ($6,557) multiplied by the consumer price index (1.024) multiplied by a phase-in foundation percent (1.0000) multiplied by a Regional Cost Index (RCI) multiplied by a Pupil Need Index (PNI) less (b) an expected minimum local contribution. Alternate Foundation Aid is the result of the State Sharing Ratio (SSR) for Foundation Aid multiplied by the district-adjusted foundation amount. The Selected TAFPU is based on Average Daily Membership (ADM) including dual enrollment plus additional weightings for: students with disabilities (including dual enrolled SWD) at 1.41, summer school at 0.12 and declassification pupils at 0.50. The PNI is 1 plus the Extraordinary Needs percent (based on economic disadvantage, English language learners and sparsity) and ranges between 1 and 2. The expected minimum local contribution is the product of Selected Actual Value per 2017-18 Total Wealth Foundation Pupil Units (TWFPU) and 0.0166 multiplied by an Income Wealth Index (which ranges from 0.65 to 2.0). TWFPU is based on ADM and eliminates additional weightings. The SSR for Foundation Aid is the highest of the following formulas. For high need/resource-capacity districts, the SSR is multiplied by 1.05. It is not less than zero nor more than 0.90:

(1) Ratio = 1.37 - (1.23 * FACWR);
(2) Ratio = 1.00 - (0.64 * FACWR);
(3) Ratio = 0.80 - (0.39 * FACWR);
(4) Ratio = 0.51 - (0.173 * FACWR).

The Combined Wealth Ratio for Foundation Aid (FACWR) is calculated as: (A) 0.5 multiplied by the district Selected Actual Valuation/2017-18 TWPU compared to the State average of $615,200; plus, (B) 0.5 multiplied by the district Selected Income/2017-18 TWPU compared to the State average of $206,400. For Foundation Aid, Selected AV is the lesser of 2016 AV or the average of 2016 AV and 2015 AV. Selected Income is the lesser of 2016 Income or the average of 2016 Income and 2015 Income.

Full Day K Conversion: Districts with any half-day kindergarten or no kindergarten programs in 1996-97 and in the base year are eligible for Full Day K Conversion Aid equal to Selected Foundation Aid per Selected TAFPU multiplied by the increase in full day kindergarten enrollment in the current year over the prior year. School districts must offer full day programs to all kindergarten students in order to qualify for this aid. Starting in 2014-15, a district is not eligible if it received Full Day K Conversion Aid in the past. School districts converting to full-day kindergarten in the 2018-19 or 2019-20 school years are eligible for the same apportionment to which they would otherwise be entitled, plus 65 percent of that aid in the following school year and 35 percent two years after the initial apportionment.

Universal Pre-kindergarten: A district will be eligible for Universal Pre-kindergarten Aid in 2019-20 up to the maximum UPK allocation for the 2018-19 school year, plus the maximum allocations for 2018-19 Federal Preschool Development Expansion Grant (awarded 2015), 2018-19 Expanded Prekindergarten for Three- and Four-Year-Old Students (awarded 2015), 2018-19 Expanded Prekindergarten for Three-Year-Old Students (awarded 2016), 2018-19 Expanded Prekindergarten for Three- and Four-Year-Old Students (awarded 2017), and 2018-19 Universal Prekindergarten Expansion Grants for Three- and Four-Year-Old Students (awarded 2018). Statewide Universal Full-day Prekindergarten (awarded 2014) is also included for purposes of this data release.

BOCES: BOCES Aid for administrative, shared services, rental and capital expenditures plus Aid Due Save-harmless. Approved expenditure for BOCES Administrative and Shared Services Aids is based on a salary limit of $30,000. Aid is based on approved 2018-19 administrative and service expenditures and the higher of the millage ratio or the Current AV/2017-18 RWADA Aid Ratio: (1 – (0.51 * RWADA Wealth Ratio)) with a 0.36 minimum and 0.90 maximum. Rent and Capital Aids are based on 2019-20 expenditures multiplied by the Current AV/RWADA Aid ratio with a 0.00 minimum and a 0.90 maximum. Payable Aid is the sum of these aids including save-harmless.

Special Services: Special Services Aid, for non-components of BOCES including the Big 5 City school districts, is the sum of Career Education Aid, Academic Improvement Aid and Computer Administration Aid. Career Education Aid equals the Aid Ratio (1 - (0.59 * CWR), with a 0.36 minimum) multiplied by $3,900 multiplied by the 2018-19 Career Education pupils including the pupils in business and marketing sequences weighted at 0.16. Academic Improvement Aid equals the Aid Ratio (1 - (0.59 * CWR), with a 0.36 minimum) multiplied by $100 plus $1,000/CWR, minimum of $1,000, multiplied by the 2018-19 Career Education pupils including the pupils in business and marketing sequences weighted at 0.16. Computer Administration Aid equals the Aid Ratio (1 - (0.51 * CWR), with a 0.30 minimum) multiplied by approved expenditures not to exceed the maximum of $62.30 multiplied by the estimated 2018-19 public school enrollment by district of attendance with half-day kindergarten weighted at 1.0.

High Cost Excess Cost: High Cost expenditures, for students with disabilities attending public schools or BOCES, must exceed the lesser of $10,000 or four times district 2017-18 Approved Operating Expenditure/TAPU for Expenditure. The aid per pupil equals the allowed expenditure times the Aid Ratio (1 - (0.51 * CWR), with a 0.25 minimum).

Private Excess Cost: Private Excess Cost Aid is for public school students attending private schools for students with disabilities. Net tuition expenditure is multiplied by the Aid Ratio (1 - (0.15 * CWR), with a 0.5 minimum).

Hardware & Technology: Instructional Computer Hardware and Technology Equipment Aid is equal to the lesser of 2018-19 expenditures or the enrollment for Software Aid (see below) multiplied by $24.20 times the Current AV/RWADA Aid Ratio. For the purpose of this estimate, the maximum aid is shown (enrollment for Software Aid multiplied by $24.20 times the Current AV/RWADA Aid Ratio).

Software, Library, Textbook: All three aids use 2018-19 expenditures and pupil counts. The maximum Software Aid equals $14.98 per pupil and the maximum Library Materials Aid equals $6.25 per pupil, each multiplied by the combined 2018-19 public plus nonpublic enrollment for pupils attending school in the district plus district pupils attending full time BOCES and private school programs for students with disabilities plus pupils attending the State operated schools at Rome and Batavia and resident pupils placed in Special Act school districts. Aid cannot exceed approved or designated expenditures. Textbook Aid equals $43.25 per pupil for Regular Textbook Aid plus $15 per pupil for Lottery Textbook Aid multiplied by resident public plus resident nonpublic enrollment plus resident pupils with disabilities attending approved private schools or the State operated schools at Rome and Batavia and resident pupils placed in Special Act school districts. Textbook Aid is not to exceed actual or designated expenditures for purchase of textbooks during 2018-19. Charter school enrollments are included in the pupil counts. For the purpose of these estimates, the maximum aid is shown for Software, Library and Textbook.

Transportation incl Summer: Aid for non-capital expenditures is based upon estimated approved transportation operating expenditure multiplied by the selected transportation aid ratio with a 0.9 maximum and a 0.065 minimum. The selected aid ratio is the highest of a sparsity adjustment plus 1.263 multiplied by the Selected State Sharing Ratio, 1.01 - (0.46 X RWADA Wealth Ratio), or 1.01 - (0.46 X Enrollment Wealth Ratio). Aid for capital expenditures, including district operated summer school, is computed as above, but based on the assumed amortization of purchase, lease and equipment costs over five years, at a statewide average interest rate. Transportation Aid for district operated summer school programs is prorated to total no more than $5.0 million statewide. Aid is provided, based on approved transportation operating expenditures and the selected transportation aid ratio, for the transportation of pupils to approved district operated summer programs.

Building + Bldg Reorg Incentive: Aidable building expenditures are for capital outlay, leases, certain capital outlay exceptions, certain refinancing costs and an assumed debt service payment based on the useful life of the project and an average interest rate. Building Aid is equal to the product of the estimated approved building expenditures multiplied by the highest of the 1981-82 through the Current AV/RWADA Aid Ratio. For projects approved on or after July 1, 2000, expenditures are multiplied by the higher of the Building Aid Ratio used for 1999-00 aid less 0.10 or the Current AV/RWADA Aid Ratio or, for eligible projects, the low income aid ratio. For projects approved on or after July 1, 2005 for high need/resource-capacity districts, expenditures are multiplied by 0.05 multiplied by the same aid ratio used for projects approved on or after July 1, 2000, however reimbursement is limited to 98 percent, including the incentive of up to 10 percent. Up to 10 percent of additional building aid is provided for projects approved on or after July 1, 1998. For districts that have reorganized, Reorganization Incentive Building Aid is included as in permanent law. Aid is not estimated for those prospective and deferred projects that had not fully met all eligibility requirements as of the November 2018 database. The NY Safe Act provided that, for projects approved by the commissioner on or after July 1, 2013, specified safety system improvements will be eligible for enhanced re-imbursement under the state’s School Building Aid formula (a rate up to 10 percent higher than their current building aid ratio). The enhanced aid ratio is extended through the 2022-23 aid year. Current statute also provides school districts may receive partial reimbursement for base year expenditures associated with approved water testing and remediation costs.

Operating Reorg. Incentive: Reorganization Incentive Operating Aid is up to 40 percent of 2006-07 Formula Operating Aid for districts reorganized after July 1, 2007. The sum of 2006-07 Formula Operating Aid and Incentive Operating Aid is limited to 95 percent of 2017-18 Approved Operating Expenditure.

Charter School Transitional: For districts whose charter school enrollment exceeds 2 percent of resident public school enrollment or whose charter school payments exceed 2 percent of TGFE, transitional aid is provided for 2019-20. A district's aid will equal the sum of Tier 1, 2 and 3 aids. Tier 1 Aid equals the product of 80 percent of the 2018-19 charter school total basic tuition, multiplied by the increase in the number of resident pupils enrolled in a charter school between the 2017-18 and 2018-19 school years. Tier 2 Aid equals the product of 60 percent of the 2018-19 charter school total basic tuition, multiplied by the increase in the number of resident pupils enrolled in a charter school between the 2016-17 and 2017-18 school years. Tier 3 Aid equals the product of 40 percent of the 2018-19 charter school total basic tuition, multiplied by the increase in the number of resident pupils enrolled in a charter school between the 2015-16 and 2016-17 school years.

Academic Enhancement: For the 2019-20 school year Academic Enhancement Aid is the same as the 2008-09 amount set forth in the computer run for the 2009-10 enacted budget. This amount also includes $17.5 million for supplemental educational improvement plan programs in the Yonkers City School District, up to $1,200,000 for the New York City School District for academic achievement programs and $1,247,799 for the Albany School District.

High Tax Aid: For the 2019-20 school year High Tax Aid is the same as the 2018-19 High Tax Aid amount set forth in the computer run for the 2018-19 enacted budget.

Supplemental Pub Excess Cost: For the 2019-20 school year Supplemental Public Excess Cost Aid is the same as the 2008-09 Supplemental Public Excess Cost Aid amount set forth in the computer run for the 2009-10 enacted budget.

Total:  Sum of the above aids.

Community Schools Setaside: The amount of Foundation Aid set aside to support Community Schools is equal to the sum of base year Community Schools Setaside and the Executive 2019-20 Community Schools Increase.

$ Chg Total 2019-20 minus 2018-19: Difference between the two Totals.

% Chg Total Aid: Difference between the two totals divided by 2018-19 Total Aids, multiplied by 100.


$ Chg w/o Bldg, Reorg Bldg Aid: Difference between the two Total Aids without Building and Building Reorganization Incentive Aids.

% Chg w/o Bldg, Reorg Bldg Aid: $ Change w/o Bldg, Reorg Bldg Aid divided by 2018-19 Total excluding Building and Building Reorganization Incentive Aids, multiplied by 100.

Last Updated: April 1, 2019