Payment Information

Contact: Joshua Staples

Latest News

2024-25 General State Aid Payments Schedule

Information regarding Spreading Overpayment Deductions Over Three Years Pursuant to Education Law 3604(5)
Memo to Superintendents of Public School Districts and District Superintendents
Application requesting a Three Year Overpayment Recovery (pdf 98 KB)

2021-22 General Aid and Excess Cost Aid Final Adjustments

Public Pension Accrual Pursuant to Chapter 56 of the Laws of 2023
Informational Memo to Superintendents (pdf 91 MB)
Application for all Districts except large 5 city School District (pdf 98 MB)

Special Apportionment for Salary Expenditures to accrue to 2023-24 from 2024-25
Informational Memo to Superintendents (pdf 94 KB)
Application for all Districts except NYC and Yonkers (pdf 99 KB)

Information regarding Spreading Overpayment Deductions Over Three Years Pursuant to Education Law 3604(5)
Memo to Superintendents of Public School Districts and District Superintendents
Application requesting a Three Year Overpayment Recovery (pdf 98 KB)

2020-21 General Aid and Excess Cost Aid Final Adjustments

2023-24 Description of Payment Schedule for General State Aid Payments Combined Fixed and Individualized Payment schedule with a Sustaining Spring Advance.
2023-24 Payment Schedule Description

Clarification on Release of State Aid and P-12 Grant Program Payments Subjected to 20% DOB Withholdings

The Division of the Budget (DOB) has informed NYSED that DOB will, at some point, be providing approval for NYSED to make, prior to the end of the 2020-21 state fiscal year, the payments for state aid and other P-12 grant programs that DOB has subjected to 20% withholding. However, please be aware that NYSED is unable to make these payments until DOB provides NYSED with funding and with approval as to the date these payments may be made. NYSED will notify school districts when DOB approval is received and when school districts may expect to receive currently withheld funds.

On August 13, 2020, Division of the Budget (DOB) issued the
FY 2021 First Quarterly State Budget Financial Plan Update which notes that, in the absence of Federal action since enactment of the FY 2021 budget, DOB began withholding 20 percent of most local aid payments in June, and that all or a portion of these withholds may be converted to permanent reductions, depending on the size and timing of new Federal aid, if any.

In July, DOB began approving General Support for Public Schools (GSPS) payments to school districts (including 3609-a General Aid, 3609-b Excess Cost Aid, and 3609-d BOCES Aid payments) at 80% of the otherwise scheduled amounts.

DOB’s Updated Financial Plan includes $8.2 billion in recurring local aid reductions, and states that the earliest DOB expects to transmit a detailed aid-to-localities reduction plan to the Legislature is late in the second quarter of the State’s FY 2021, and that, in the absence of unrestricted Federal aid, DOB will continue to withhold a range of payments through the second quarter of FY 2021.

Late-Filed Independent Audits
Impact of late filed Independent Audits on State Aid Payments
Districts that have not yet submitted the Independent Audit Report

Payment Schedules and Policy

2023-24 Description of Payment Schedule for General State Aid Payments Combined Fixed and Individualized Payment schedule with a Sustaining Spring Advance.
2023-24 Payment Schedule Description

Chart of Mandated Payment Dates and Sections of Law
Mandated Payment Dates and Sections of Law (Revised - 09/13/2017)

Payment Schedule and Policy Regarding Aid Adjustments Occurring After the Last Scheduled Aid Payments for a Given Year
Schedule and Policy memo


Special Apportionment for Salary Expenditures to accrue to 2023-24 from 2024-25
Informational Memo to Superintendents (pdf 94 KB)
Application for all Districts except NYC and Yonkers (pdf 99 KB)

Public Pension Accrual Pursuant to Chapter 56 of the Laws of 2023
Informational Memo to Superintendents (pdf 91 MB)
Application for all Districts except large 5 city School District (pdf 98 MB)

Three Year Overpayment Recovery

Information regarding Spreading Overpayment Deductions Over Three Years Pursuant to Education Law 3604(5)
Memo to Superintendents of Public School Districts and District Superintendents
Application requesting a Three Year Overpayment Recovery (pdf 98 KB)
List of State Aid Payment Fund Codes assigned by the Bureau of State Aid to the various types of aid paid by the New York State Education Department
State Aid Payment Fund Codes

A list of all the payment certificates available for your district can be found on the State Aid web page after entering your district code or name. You should print all payment certificates so that you have a record of all payments and deductions made during a particular school year. Beginning with the 2005-06 school year, all payment certificates associated with payments made during the 2005-06 school year will remain on the web site until such time as the State Aid Payments End of School Year report is made available on the web.

2021-22 General Aid and Excess Cost Aid Final Adjustments

District and BOCES Recordkeeping for Prior Year Revisions
Recordkeeping for Prior Year Revisions (8-17-2018)

Electronic Payments

Statewide Financial System and Accessing Remittance Information for any NYSED Payment
Accessing Remittance Information for any NYSED Payment

Information regarding Electronic Payments (ePayments) see the link below to the NYS Office of the State Comptroller Link

Last Updated: December 23, 2024