September 2022
District Superintendents of BOCES
BOCES State Aid Designees
Office of State Aid
Release of 2022-2023 BOCES State Aid Management System (SAMS)
SAMS BOCES Aid Claim is due Monday, October 3rd, 2022
SAMS Changes for 2022-23 Claim Year Reporting
NoneImportant Reporting Instructions & Reminders
- District expenses funded with Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act; Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act; and American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act funds are not BOCES aidable. BOCES should include any component expenses funded by CARES, CRRSA, and ARP in the MISC_DED_REV_CMP data area, along with any other deductible grants/funds.
- Pursuant to NYS General Municipal Law 6-p (11), NYS Education Law 1950 (5), and previous SED direction to impacted BOCES, excess OPEB funds returned to school districts by BOCES, where such funds generated BOCES Aid at the time they were originally collected, must be deducted from allocated expenses for current year BOCES Aid to avoid overpayment of State Aid.
- District expenses funded with Smart School Bond Act (SSBA) funds are not BOCES aidable. BOCES should include any component expenses funded by SSBA in the MISC_DED_REV_CMP data area, along with any other deductible grants/funds.
- District expenses for Pathways in Technology (P-TECH) – related services funded with P-TECH grant funds are not BOCES aidable. BOCES must ask all districts that purchased P-TECH - related services in 2021-2022 and 2022-2023, from their own or another BOCES, whether P-TECH grant funds supported some or all of those purchases. BOCES should include any component P-TECH grant amounts used to purchase P-TECH services in the MISC_DED_REV_CMP data area, along with any other deductible grants/funds. (P-TECH funds may be used to support the unreimbursed local share of BOCES costs. A local school district may pay BOCES tuition charged for a P-TECH grant out of district general fund expenditures in the first year, then the non-aided portion of the first tuition can be received in grant funds (during the period of the grant) in the following year.)
- District projected 2022-2023 expenses to be funded with Community Schools Set-aside funds are BOCES aidable, as long as the expenses are for eligible community schools purposes, and supplement but not supplant the district’s previous community schools expenditures.
SAMS General Instructions & Passwords
BOCES SAMS can be accessed from the State Aid Web site or from the main New York State Education Department home page (look for the Portal Login at the upper right of this page).
Districts should use SEDDAS (State Education Department Delegated Account System) to create, disable accounts or reset passwords. For procedures for a new BOCES district superintendent's account/password go to
For detailed SAMS operating instructions/training materials go to the SAMS/Training Material Tab on the State Aid web site where you will find the BOCES SAMS Training Manual and MS PowerPoint presentations from past training sessions.Certification Requirements
An electronic certification form must be completed by the BOCES District Superintendent to submit the BOCES State Aid claim via SAMS. By certifying the claim, the superintendent’s action constitutes his or her official submission of that data to SED. The electronic signature is the legal equivalent of a handwritten signature. Please check well in advance of certification that the District Superintendent’s password has not expired.
Timely Submission of Claim Data: INITIAL CERTIFIED SUBMISSION
A complete BOCES SAMS State Aid claim must be certified by October 3rd. Assistant Superintendent’s for Business and BOCES superintendents are requested to supervise the completion and timely submission of the aid claim and projections. Since late, incomplete and/or inaccurate submission will affect your components’ projections of BOCES Aid in the Executive budget proposal, every effort should be made to meet the specified due date and provide accurate and comprehensive data.
If all required reports are not received by October 3rd, the BOCES will receive reminders that the aid claim is due. Reminders will be sent to the State Aid Designee first. Subsequent reminders will also include the BOCES district superintendent, and the president of the Board of Education.
Timely Submission of Claim Data: REVISIONS AFTER CERTIFICATION
Throughout the legislative cycle each year the Governor and the Legislature use districts’ and BOCES’ State Aid claims and projections to predict the fiscal impact of various legislative proposals affecting school aid formulas. The resulting predictions of fiscal impact are only as accurate as the data that has been filed with the Education Department.
BOCES should review and revise SAMS data as necessary following initial certification, especially to update projected expense and deductions as additional contracts are added. Review should be timed to be consistent with Section 305(21)(b) of the Education Law which requires the Commissioner of Education to update that data used by the Governor and the Legislature on November 15, February 15, and May 15. In order for the Education Department to process all data revisions and corrections prior to each of these data updates, revisions and corrections should be submitted no later than the following specified dates.
Date of Electronic Data File Update for the Governor and Legislature | Principal Purpose of the Data File |
Revisions in the Education Department by: |
November 15 | Executive Budget Proposal | November 1* |
February 15 | Budget Negotiations and Enacted Budget | January 15 |
May 15 |
Updated Enacted Budget projections and June current year aid payments. | April 15 |
*This is a deadline for revisions to already submitted claims, not the deadline for original submission, which is Saturday, October 3rd, 2022.
Please report problems and questions via email at This link is available on the top right of the SAMS screen. Please include your phone number and extension in the e-mail, and please list your 6-digit BOCES code at the beginning of the subject line. Email Ashley Weil or call at: 518-474-2977.