


September 2013

District Superintendents of BOCES and BOCES State Aid Designees

Andrea Hyary, Bureau Chief
Office of State Aid

Collection of 2013-14 BOCES State Aid Claim and Projections via SAMS
Certified complete submission due Tuesday, October 1st, 2013
Final revisions due no later than Friday, November 1st, 2013

New This Year

  1. A new data item is being collected in the BOC_MISC_DED_DATA schema area: Expense Allocated to Other BOCES and Noncomponents. In SED’s calculation of BOCES aidable expense for allocation to components for each service, the new item replaces the sum of 2253 and 2254 revenue codes as a deduction from total service expense. The impact of this will be fewer edit exceptions for the totals check edit that compares SED’s calculated BOCES-level expense for allocation to components to the total aidable expense amounts you have actually allocated to each component. BOCES must report this data item where applicable for both the actual and projected year.

  2. The Validation Error Report (VER), which shows data from your loaded xml file that for format or coding reasons was not accepted into SAMS, has been streamlined; e.g. it no longer displays errors for data areas not currently in use by SAMS.

  3. In conjunction with the BOCES State Aid claim, every BOCES will be required to report whether and when EBALR refunds were/will be paid to component districts, and how the refunds were/will be reported in BOCES SAMS. This information is necessary to ensure that the state share of refunds is recouped where BOCES Aid was paid on the original expense.  The requirement will be met by completing a separate form and faxing to the State Aid Office, 518-474-3547, attn: Andrea Hyary.  The form will be e-mailed to the BOCES State Aid Designee under separate cover.

Important Reporting Information

  1. District expenses for BOCES technology hardware and services purchased with funds received via the Microsoft settlement agreement / NYS School Technology Voucher Program (STVP) are not BOCES aidable. Please make sure that related expenses and revenues are reported in SAMS in a manner that does not generate aid.

  2. All 700 – area excess salaries should be allocated to aidable services as appropriate, or your excess salaries will be under-reported.

  3. Capital and lease expense allocated to your components must exclude any expense that should be allocated to other BOCES, non-components or any other entity.

  4. In providing responses to edits, please refer specifically to EBALR refunds if such refunds are related at all to the edit exception

  5. Unapproved Service Expense: a) Report unaidable expense for any provided aidable service with aid restrictions in the BOC_UNPRV_PURCH_CMP_DATA schema area and b) report unaidable expense charged to you for any purchased aidable service in the BOC_UNPRV_PURCH_CMP_DATA schema area.

  6. Estimated 2013-14 Excess Salary data should be reported in the initial SAMS submissions for all 2013-14 contracts already in place and for any  service for which estimated aidable expense allocations are provided. (Estimates may be conservative.)

  7. BOCES Aid will only be paid for expenses associated with: a) provided services that have been approved by the BOCES program office as “Active” for the base year, and appear on the BOCES LAS and b) purchased services that have been approved by the BOCES program office as “Active” for the base year, and appear on the providing BOCES’ LAS.

  8. Please be certain that a separate PSN is assigned to each service, including every ‘pass through’ cross-contracted service; i.e., services purchased by you on behalf of component districts, not services purchased by you that are charged to 001 or one or your BOCES own services.

  9. Data for “pass through” services purchased via cross contract must be reported with the same 4-digit State activity code as the one used by the providing BOCES.
Certification Requirement

The electronic certification form for the BOCES State Aid Claim must be completed by the BOCES District Superintendent in order to submit the claim. Certifying the State Aid Form Set constitutes the district superintendent’s official submission of the data to SED. The electronic signature is the legal equivalent of a handwritten signature. To certify, the Edit Report must be marked as READY. The BOCES District Superintendent account can not certify and submit the data to SED until the edit report is marked as Ready.

Resource and Contact Information
Included here: The BOCES SAMS Financial System User Manual, instructions for creating Excel spreadsheets from your xml files, material presented during the August 2013 training webinar.

Report problems and questions via email at This link is available on the top right of the SAMS screen. Please include your phone number and extension in the e-mail, and please list your 6-digit BOCES code at the beginning of the subject line. Or, contact Dave Fedorchak or Andrea Hyary at any time: 518-474-2977.      

Thank you very much for your ongoing cooperation.

Last Updated: June 15, 2018