Schedule M2: Expenditures for Lease Buildings

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Directions For Schedule M2

Report here itemized 2017-18 and 2018-19 approved expenditures for the lease of school buildings as approved building projects. Approved expenditures may not exceed the approved cost allowance when added to previously claimed lease expenditures. For projects anticipated to be approved for which no project number has yet been assigned use alpha-numeric project codes as follows: B000001, B000002, etc. Indicate the date of voter authorization for each project. Actual expenditures claimed for building projects on this schedule should also be entered on the ST-3 at Account Code A1620.4 in the ST-3 General Fund. Projects eligible for the 10% incentive must be for a term of more than 5 years. If the term is more than 5 years enter the "1" indicator in the last column titled "Lease>5 Yr". Check the SA-130 for each individual project, to make sure there is a Capital Outlay Allowance before claiming the expense for aid on this Schedule.