Non Allowable Pupil Decimal Worksheets

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If this district is required to complete the Non allowable Pupil Decimal Worksheet for the calculation of 2018-19 State Aid purposes, (see Form A Schedule P, entry 121), Transportation Aid will not be calculated for the district unless these data have been supplied on the Non allowable Pupil Decimal Worksheet(s).


For districts that transport only allowable pupils, data can be reported on one line of this worksheet. Use the Non Allowable Pupil Deduction Data Worksheet 1. In column A, Bus Number, indicate "NA." In column B, Kind of Trip, indicate "all." Column C should be total miles for all routes, as indicated above. Column D should include all pupils transported on the selected day. Column E should be zero. Be sure to indicate the date used, at the top of the form.


NOTE: A bus number must be entered in order for the Data Entry Assistant to include a line in the calculation of the non allowable pupil decimal. All data reported on this "Non allowable Pupil Deduction Data Collection Worksheet" should represent information regarding school bus routes and trips as of one, and only one day of regularly scheduled school session during any of the following months in 2018: March, April, or May (If no date is entered, aid based on the decimal will not calculate correctly).  You must enter, at the top of the form, the specific date used in March, April, or May.  If it is the district policy to transport only allowable pupils (no non allowable pupils, no non allowable pupil miles), see the instructions at the end of this explanation.


Column A


List buses in consecutive order. All trips for a particular bus, a.m., p.m. or noon kindergarten, should be recorded on successive, separate lines, even though a bus may cover the same route and carry the same pupils on both morning and afternoon trips.


Column B


Indicate the kind of trip as a.m., noon kindergarten (nk), or p.m. When there is more than one a.m. or p.m. trip for a particular bus, indicate each on a separate line.


Column C


Total daily mileage should include the mileage to the nearest tenth actually covered on the route by the bus on each trip. It should not include mileage traveled by the bus to and from the route on the first and last a.m. and p.m. trips, because such mileage is not considered part of the school bus route. The route is the path the bus travels from the school to either pick up or drop off student, not to include deadhead mileage. Deadhead mileage, which cannot be included in the definition of route mileage, includes:


mileage from a garage outside the district to or from the route within the district

mileage from a garage (not on a school campus) to the route that the bus must take from the school to pickup or drop off students.

Column D


Report the number of allowable pupils transported on each trip. The number reported can either be the actual count taken on the date selected or the pupil count can be obtained from the district’s computerized routing software for the date selected.


Allowable pupils include:


Pupils with disabilities transported pursuant to a determination by your district's committee on special education that such transportation is required as a related service.

Pupils transported during the day to and from BOCES programs, occupational education programs operated within the district or shared programs at other school districts which may lead to a diploma.

Pupils attending public and nonpublic schools who live more than 1.5 miles from the school attended.

Pupils living more than 1.5 miles from school who are transported between home or school and BOCES occupational education programs, for a.m. and p.m. trips.

Nonresident pupils with disabilities transported pursuant to a determination by a committee on special education that such transportation is required as a related service, but not such pupils for whom transportation is provided pursuant to a contract with another school district or a BOCES.

Nonresident regular pupils living more than 1.5 miles from the school attended, but not such pupils for whom transportation is provided pursuant to a contract with another school district or a BOCES.

Pupils living more than 1.5 miles from the school attended, who reside in school districts which do not maintain grade levels K-12 and who are transported to public schools outside the district.

Nonpublic school pupils transported between the nonpublic school attended and a public school for gifted, occupational, vocational, and special education programs where the distance between the schools exceeds one-fourth of a mile (dual enrolled pupils).


Column E

Report the number of non allowable pupils transported on each trip. The number reported can either be the actual count taken on the date selected or the pupil count can be obtained from the district’s computerized routing software for the date selected.


Non Allowable pupils include:


Pupils (other than pupils with disabilities for whom transportation is required as a related service) attending public and nonpublic schools who live 1.5 miles or less from the school attended or 1 mile or less from a bus route if a feeder trip.

Pupils living 1.5 miles or less from school who are transported between home or school and BOCES vocational education programs, for a.m. and p.m. trips.

Pupils attending a Universal Prekindergarten program at a public or nonpublic school who are not transported on an already established route on a space available basis.

Nonresident pupils (other than pupils with disabilities for whom transportation is required as a related service) who live less than 1.5 miles from the school attended, but not such pupils for whom transportation is provided pursuant to a contract with another school district or a BOCES.



If it happens that a trip includes both non allowable and allowable pupils (for definitions, see above), the pupils should be entered into the appropriate columns on the worksheet (D for allowable, E for non allowable), in order to properly calculate the decimal. To accommodate this type of trip, the computer will automatically multiply the non allowable pupils by 1.5, instead of by the mileage entered in Column C.
