Welcome to the State Aid Office at the
New York State Education Department
State Aid Office Mission: To determine and distribute the correct amount of State Aid to public school districts and BOCES in a timely manner, and provide accurate and timely data for use in State Aid projections.
Latest News
NEW 2024-25 SIRS Data on File (must use Three Columns view) Output Report is now available within SAMS.
The new SIRS report is listed below the “Attendance Output Report (ATT)”. Before opening the report, you MUST expand the SIRS output report on the menu tree first, followed by selecting “Three Columns” under “Select the Type of Report”.
This report is intended to allow business officials to review preliminary 2024-25 SIRS counts in SAMS before they become final. If revisions are necessary, changes may be made in partnership with your Regional Information Center, before the SIRS data warehouse closes on 8/15/25.
2025-26 Executive Budget School Aid Estimates on the NYS Division of Budget Website
- Description of 2025-26 New York State Executive Budget Recommendations for Elementary and Secondary Education (
976 KB)
- Definitions and Explanations of School Aids Displayed on the Executive Budget Estimates (
631 KB)
*Note a prior version linked to the wrong definitions and explanations. This was corrected as of 1-23-2025.
Projected Building Aid Impact for Final Cost Reports Received After February 15th Database File
For Chapter 97 projects in which Final Cost Reports and/or Final CSCs are not received in time for the February 15th database file, project expenses will not be included in the enacted budget for aid projections. Initial payment calculations for next year’s building aid will be impacted as these are based on the enacted budget. Aid on these building projects will be included in aid payments later in the year, starting with the June General Aid payment.
Reminder - Upcoming Deadline
To guarantee inclusion in the February 15th database file, all changes to 2024-2025 SAMS should be submitted by January 15, 2025.
How to Properly Execute and File Transportation Contracts to Prevent Aid Deductions
2024-25 Description of Payment Schedule for General State Aid Payments Combined Fixed and Individualized Payment schedule with a Sustaining Spring Advance.
2024-25 General State Aid Payments Schedule
2024-25 State Aid Output Reports now available within SAMS and to the Public.
The Final Building Aid Statewide Average Interest Rate based on debt incurred by districts between 7/1/23 and 6/30/24.
- Building Aid Statewide Average Interest Rate
- Interest Rate Chart for Assumed Amortizations
- Explanation of how the statewide average interest rate is calculated, including a sample calculation.
Reminder - Upcoming Deadline
To guarantee inclusion in the November 15th database file, all changes to 2024-2025 SAMS should be submitted by October 18, 2024.
Now Available
ST-3 SAMS Training Webinar presented September 2024
Play Recording (
ST-3 SAMS Training Presented Fall 2024 (
Now Available
BOCES SAMS Training Webinar presented September 2024
Play Recording (
BOCES SAMS Powerpoint Presentation (

Now Available - 2024-25 FTE Calculator of Student Full Time Equivalent Attendance
Now Available - 2024-2025 BOCES State Aid Management System memo is now available
Now Available - 2024-25 Claim Forms are now available in SAMS
For SAMS operating instructions/training materials, go to SAMS Training Materials
Now Available
2024-25 BOCES State Aid Paper Forms and Instructions
Now Available: 180 Day Model Calendar Available for Completion
The 180 Day Calendar for the 2024-25 School year is now available for district use. The 2025-26 School Year Model Calendar has been released for planning purposes only. Model Calendars
Final Review of Fall 2023 Enrollment and Free and Reduced Price Lunch (FRPL) Counts Affecting your District’s State Aid ( 132 KB)
Information regarding required submission of SA-132 (Bonds & Refunding Bonds) and SA-135 (BANS) borrowing forms for Statewide Average Interest Calculation.
Information regarding SA-139 submissions
Request for Building Project Data and Instructions Form SA-139 (

2024-25 State Aid Handbook ( 948 KB)
June 30, 2024 Expiration of Statute of Limitations on Certain State Aid Claims
2024-2025 Charter School Basic Tuition and Supplemental Basic Tuition
Listing of 2024-25 Charter School Basic Tuition and Supplemental Basic Tuition Rates.( 69 KB)
Definition of 2024-25 Charter School Basic Tuition and Supplemental Basic Tuition Rates.
Important Information Regarding Early Aid Start Request (EASR) Submissions
Public Pension Accrual Pursuant to Chapter 56 of the Laws of 2023
Informational Memo to Superintendents ( 91 MB)
Application for all Districts except large 5 city School District ( 98 MB)
Special Apportionment for Salary Expenditures to accrue to 2023-24 from 2024-25
Informational Memo to Superintendents ( 94 KB)
Application for all Districts except NYC and Yonkers ( 99 KB)
Urgent: List of district & BOCES capital construction projects with Final Cost Reports due 6/30/2024 that had not been received at SED as of approximately 4/13/2024. (

2023-24 EPE Output Reports are now available within 2023-24 SAMS and to the Public.
Reminder - Upcoming Deadline
To guarantee inclusion in the May 15th database file, all changes to 2023-2024 SAMS should be submitted by April 15, 2024.
On March 26, 2024, the Non-Allowable Pupil Decimal (NAPD) Preparation and Filing memo was emailed to all School District State Aid Designees. Additional information and a list of districts required to file the NAPD worksheet using 2023-24 school year data is now available.
NAPD Information
Reminder - Upcoming Deadline
To guarantee inclusion in the February 15th database file, all changes to 2023-2024 SAMS should be submitted by January 16, 2024.
NEW 2024-25 Estimated Foundation Aid Output Report is available within SAMS and to the Public. This projected output report reflects current law legislation as of the beginning of the school year.
The Estimated Foundation Aid Output Report will not reflect changes proposed in the Executive Budget and will be unavailable after the Enacted Budget is accepted. Please use your state aid runs for projected values at that time. In addition, this Data Sources for the Executive and Enacted Budget Runs provides helpful information for understanding the sources of the data used in projecting your district’s state aid for the upcoming Executive Budget Proposal and the Enacted Budget.
2023-24 Description of Payment Schedule for General State Aid Payments Combined Fixed and Individualized Payment schedule with a Sustaining Spring Advance.
2023-24 Payment Schedule Description
Now Available: 180 Day Model Calendar Available for Completion
The 180 Day Calendar for the 2023-24 School year is now available for district use. The 2024-25 School Year Model Calendar has been released for planning purposes only. Model Calendars
Reminder - Upcoming Deadline
To guarantee inclusion in the November 15th database file, all changes to 2023-2024 SAMS should be submitted by October 19, 2023.
Now Available
ST-3 SAMS Training Webinar presented August 2023
Play Recording (
ST-3 SAMS Training Presented Fall 2023 (
Now Available
BOCES SAMS Training Webinar presented September 2023
Play Recording (
BOCES SAMS Powerpoint Presentation (

Guidance on State Aid for Water Testing
Now Available
2023-24 BOCES State Aid Claim Forms are now available in SAMS
For SAMS operating instructions/training materials go to SAMS/Training Materials
Now Available
2023-24 BOCES State Aid Paper Forms and Instructions
Now Available - 2023-24 Claim Forms are now available in SAMS
For SAMS operating instructions/training materials, go to SAMS Training Materials
Final Review of Fall 2022 Enrollment and Free and Reduced Price Lunch (FRPL) Counts Affecting your District’s State Aid ( 130 KB)
June 30, 2023 Expiration of Statute of Limitations on Certain State Aid Claims
2023-2024 Charter School Basic Tuition and Supplemental Basic Tuition
Listing of 2023-24 Charter School Basic Tuition and Supplemental Basic Tuition Rates.( 63 KB)
Definition of 2023-24 Charter School Basic Tuition and Supplemental Basic Tuition Rates.
Information from the Enacted budget on Foundation Aid plan requirements and data collection is now available. Reporting instructions will be emailed directly to districts required to complete this plan when available. These plans are due no later than July 1, 2023.
2022-23 EPE Output Reports are now available within 2022-23 SAMS and to the Public.
Reminder - Upcoming Deadline
To guarantee inclusion in the May 15th database file, all changes to 2022-2023 SAMS should be submitted by April 15, 2023.
Building Aid Late Final Cost Report Penalty Forgiveness
Section 9 of Part A of Chapter 56 of the Laws of 2022 amends Education Law §3602(6)(k) relating to building aid penalties due to delinquent submission of final cost reports by school districts, where such penalty was recouped by the state after July 1, 2013. The law provides the Commissioner the authority to consider these expenses as valid and eligible for aid under certain conditions. We have reviewed our records, identified relevant penalties, and will be notifying all district superintendents via email in the near future (example of the penalty email and no penalty email). If you believe the information in this notification is in error, please contact us by email.
Penalties considered by the Department to be valid for forgiveness after the last scheduled aid payment in the year in which the penalty was taken will be placed on the prior year claims list, as required by Education Law §3604(5). Funds appropriated for the prior year claims list are provided sequentially, in the order that it has been approved for payment by the commissioner. The 2022-23 enacted state budget was the second year in which no funding was provided to satisfy new or existing claims on this list. The 2023-24 executive budget proposal does not include funding to satisfy these claims.
2023-24 Executive Budget School Aid Estimates On The NYS Division of Budget Website
- Description of 2023-24 New York State Executive Budget Recommendations for Elementary and Secondary Education (
1.03 MB)
- Definitions and Explanations of school aids displayed on the Executive Budget Estimates (
460 KB)
To view your district's estimates enter your district 6-digit BEDS code or district name in the top left hand corner under View District Data.
Reminder: The Office of State Aid has posted a list of Frequently Asked Questions about attendance, including information regarding instructional hours and session days for state aid purposes.
Now Available: 180 Day Model Calendar Available for Completion
The 180 Day Calendar for the 2022-23 School year is now available for district use. The 2023-24 School Year Model Calendar has been released for planning purposes only. Model Calendars
2022-23 State Aid Output Reports now available within SAMS and to the Public.
2022-23 Description of Payment Schedule for General State Aid Payments Combined Fixed and Individualized Payment schedule with a Sustaining Spring Advance.
2022-23 Payment Schedule Description
Reminder - Upcoming Deadline
To guarantee inclusion in the November 15th database file, all changes to 2022-2023 SAMS should be submitted by October 15, 2022.
August Accounting and Financial Reporting for Leases as Required by GASB Statement No. 87
The Governmental Accounting Standards Board released Statement No. 87 (GASB 87) – Leases in June of 2017 and was originally effective for reporting periods beginning after December 15, 2019. However, due to COVID, in May 2020, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board postponed the implementation date for the new lease standard, GASB 87 to June 15, 2021. Therefore, in the 2021-2022 school year, Districts should have implemented GASB 87 in their financial reporting.
The Office of the State Comptroller (OSC) established 26 accounts for the 2022-2023 SAMS ST-3 to comply with GASB 87 and has released Accounting and Financial Reporting for Leases as Required by GASB Statement No. 87
Bus borrowing information on Schedule F6 is required by September 1 in order for the State Aid Office to calculate a statewide average interest rate for transportation capital assumed amortization calculations.
Information regarding 2022-23 SAMS Schedule F6 filing
School Districts’ 2022-23 School Year Foundation Aid Increase Plans
Section 10-d of part A of chapter 56 of the laws of 2021, as amended by §5-b of part A of chapter 56 of the laws of 2022, requires school districts receiving a Foundation Aid increase of more than 10% or $10,000,000 to create plans on how these funds will be used to address student performance and need. School districts were required to submit their 2022-23 school year plans by July 1, 2022.
Districts submitted their plans via a State Budget Reporting and Foundation Aid Survey that included both the Foundation Aid Increase and the ARP LEA State Budget Reports. In accordance with the statute, these combined reports are now available on the NYSED website.
Not all of the posted reports contain the Foundation Aid section of the survey as more LEAs were required to submit plans for the ARP funds. The list of school districts required to submit a Foundation Aid Increase Plan is posted along with guidance on the requirements.
Aid for Services Provided to Students With Disabilities Over 21
Chapter 223 of the Laws of 2022 provides that a school district may provide educational services in the 2022-23 and 2023-24 school years to a student who turned 21 years old during the 2021-22 school year and was enrolled in the school district and receiving special education services pursuant to an individualized education plan. This law does not amend the statute governing state aid eligibility for students with disabilities over the age of 21. Services for students with disabilities over the age of 21 continue to be ineligible for state aid.
The Department previously issued a memorandum on the use of certain federal funds for this purpose. This memorandum clarifies that a Local Educational Agency (LEA) may, in its discretion, use a portion of its federal ESSER or GEER allocations to provide recovery services to support students over the age of 21 who have lost instructional time due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
June 30, 2022 Expiration of Statute of Limitations on Certain State Aid Claims
2022-2023 Charter School Basic Tuition and Supplemental Basic Tuition
Listing of 2022-23 Charter School Basic Tuition and Supplemental Basic Tuition Rates.( 45 KB)
Definition of 2022-23 Charter School Basic Tuition and Supplemental Basic Tuition Rates.
Information from the Enacted budget on Foundation Aid plan requirements and data collection is now available. Reporting instructions will be emailed directly to districts required to complete this plan when available. These plans are due no later than July 1, 2022.
Please note, due to statutory changes, this is a different approach than last year.
2021-22 EPE Output Reports are now available within 2021-22 SAMS and to the Public.
2022-23 State Aid Projections: Preliminary Estimate of 2022-23 and 2022-23 State Aids Payable under Section 3609 plus Other Aids are available on each district page. The booklet and additional information will not be mailed to each district. Instead, all information is available online.
The Definitions and Explanations of aids displayed on 2022-23 State Aid Estimates booklet is available. To access information for your district, visit the State Aid home page and enter your district name or the first six digits of your BEDS code in the search bar at the top left of the page. The “2022-23 State Aid Projections Foundation Aid” was updated 04-12-2022.
Reminder - Upcoming Deadline
To guarantee inclusion in the May 15th database file, all changes to 2021-2022 SAMS should be submitted by April 15, 2022.
On February 28, 2022, the Non-Allowable Pupil Decimal (NAPD) Preparation and Filing memo was emailed to all School District State Aid Designees. Additional information and a list of districts required to file the NAPD worksheet using 2021-22 school year data is now available.
NAPD Information
Eligibility for State Reimbursement of Federal CARES, CRRSA and ARP Expenditures
CARES Act Guidance Documents for LEAs
CRRSA Act Guidance Documents for LEAs
LEA Guidance Documents
The Resident Weighted Average Daily Attendance (RWADA) Aid Ratio for 2022-2023 Projected Aid has been updated due to a change in the Statewide Average AV/RWADA. Please review the Resident Weighted Average Daily Attendance (RWADA) and RWADA Aid Ratios Report for the update.
See the SAMS Public Reports to view the Output Report.
2021-22 Description of Payment Schedule for General State Aid Payments Combined Fixed and Individualized Payment schedule with a Sustaining Spring Advance.
2021-22 Payment Schedule Description
Reporting Federal CRRSA and ARP Funds on the ST-3
A reminder about OSC guidance around reporting funds from Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations and the American Rescue Plan on the ST-3.
Now Available - 2021-22 BOCES State Aid Claim Forms are now available in SAMS
For SAMS operating instructions/training materials go to SAMS/Training Materials
Bus borrowing information on Schedule F6 is required by September 1 in order for the State Aid Office to calculate a statewide average interest rate for transportation capital assumed amortization calculations.
Information regarding 2021-22 SAMS Schedule F6 filing
Now Available - 2021-22 Claim Forms are now available in SAMS
For SAMS operating instructions/training materials, go to SAMS Training Materials
Aid for Services Provided to Students With Disabilities Over 21
Chapter 167 of the Laws of 2021 provides that a school district may provide educational services in the 2021-22 and 2022-23 school years to a student who turned 21 years old during the 2019-20 or 2020-21 school years and was enrolled in the school district and receiving special education services pursuant to an individualized education plan. This law does not amend the statute governing state aid eligibility for students with disabilities over the age of 21. Services for students with disabilities over the age of 21 continue to be ineligible for state aid.
The department issued a memorandum on the use of certain federal funds for this purpose. This memorandum clarifies that a Local Educational Agency (LEA) may, in its discretion, use a portion of its federal ESSER or GEER allocations to provide recovery services to support students over the age of 21 who have lost instructional time due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Final Review of Fall 2020 Enrollment and Free and Reduced Price Lunch (FRPL) Counts Affecting your District’s State Aid ( 152 KB)
Release of OSC Bulletin on Federal Education Stimulus Funding
- The Office of the State Comptroller (OSC) has issued an accounting bulletin on school district funding under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSA Act) and the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP Act).
- OSC bulletin: Federal Aid Received by NYS Local Governments and School Districtsunder the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act and the American Rescue Plan Act
- Questions may be directed to LGSA_PSU@osc.ny.gov
June 30, 2021 Expiration of Statute of Limitations on Certain State Aid Claims
Reminder: Form FT Revisions Required for Certain COVID Transportation Expenditures
An FAQ has been posted on education law changes in the 2021-22 Enacted State Budget governing eligibility of certain COVID transportation expenditures for state transportation aid. This FAQ includes detailed instructions on revising 2019-20 claims for 2020-21 aid in SAMS. As a result of the changes in the 2021-22 enacted budget, school districts will most likely need to revise their 2020-21 SAMS Claim Year (2019-20 school year) submission. All revisions must be submitted in SAMS before June 30, 2021.
2021-2022 Charter School Basic Tuition and Supplemental Basic Tuition
Listing of 2021-22 Charter School Basic Tuition and Supplemental Basic Tuition Rates.
Definition of 2021-22 Charter School Basic Tuition and Supplemental Basic Tuition Rates.05-18-2021
Information from the Enacted budget on Foundation Aid plan requirement is available
Eligibility of Certain COVID Transportation Expenditures for State Transportation Aid
An FAQ has been posted on education law changes in the 2021-22 Enacted State Budget governing eligibility of certain COVID transportation expenditures for state transportation aid. This FAQ includes detailed instructions on revising 2019-20 claims for 2020-21 aid in SAMS.
Clarification on Release of State Aid and P-12 Grant Program Payments Subjected to 20% DOB Withholdings
2021-22 Executive Budget School Aid Estimates On The NYS Division of Budget Website
- Description of 2021-22 New York State Executive Budget Recommendations for Elementary and Secondary Education
Definitions and Explanations of school aids displayed on the Executive Budget Estimates (
1 MB)
To view your district's estimates enter your district 6-digit BEDS code or district name in the top left hand corner under View District Data.
Reminder - Upcoming Deadline
To guarantee inclusion in the February Database file, all changes to 2020-2021 SAMS should be submitted by January 15, 2021.
Statewide Interest Rate for Assumed Amortizations of Transportation Capital Expenses for the 2020-21 Aid Year
Transportation Capital Expense Statewide Average Interest Rates
On August 13, 2020, Division of the Budget (DOB) issued the FY 2021 First Quarterly State Budget Financial Plan Update which notes that, in the absence of Federal action since enactment of the FY 2021 budget, DOB began withholding 20 percent of most local aid payments in June, and that all or a portion of these withholds may be converted to permanent reductions, depending on the size and timing of new Federal aid, if any.
In July, DOB began approving General Support for Public Schools (GSPS) payments to school districts (including 3609-a General Aid, 3609-b Excess Cost Aid, and 3609-d BOCES Aid payments) at 80% of the otherwise scheduled amounts.
DOB’s Updated Financial Plan includes $8.2 billion in recurring local aid reductions, and states that the earliest DOB expects to transmit a detailed aid-to-localities reduction plan to the Legislature is late in the second quarter of the State’s FY 2021, and that, in the absence of unrestricted Federal aid, DOB will continue to withhold a range of payments through the second quarter of FY 2021.
Now Available - 2020-21 Claim Forms are now available in SAMS
For SAMS operating instructions/training materials, go to SAMS Training Materials
Final Review of fall 2019 Enrollment and Free and Reduced Price Lunch (FRPL) Counts Affecting your District’s State Aid ( 237 KB)
How to Properly Execute and File Transportation Contracts to Prevent Aid Deductions
2020-21 BOCES State Aid Paper Forms and Instructions
June 30, 2020 Expiration of Statute of Limitations on Certain State Aid Claims
Important Reminder
Updating School District and BOCES SAMS State Aid Data for 2019-20 Aid and 2020-21 Projections
2019-20 EPE Output Reports are now available within 2019-20 SAMS and to the Public.
ESSA Financial Transparency Reports
The Office of Education Finance has posted a revised ESSA Financial Transparency Guidance for School Business Offices, superseding the version posted last month. The revised document makes the following changes/clarifications:
- Clarifies that Private Purpose Trust Fund expenditures and Interfund transfers should not be reported, rather than treated as an exclusion.
- Clarifies that Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) should be reported, and included within the "G2-All Other Benefits" category.
- Corrects that accounts A2250.15, A2259.15, A2280.15, and F2259.15 should be reported in "E1-Classroom Salaries" rather than "D1-Classroom Salaries".
- Corrects that A1240.15 should be reported in "F1-Other Central Administration Salaries"
- Inserts Appendix B, which was not included in the January version
In addition, Appendix A and Appendix B has been posted in Excel format for your convenience.
A training video will be forthcoming shortly. All materials may be found at the ESSA Financial Transparency site.
For more information or answers to your questions, please contact (518) 486-2266 or ESSAFinTrans@nysed.gov
2020-21 Executive Budget School Aid Estimates On The NYS Division of Budget Website
- Description of 2020-21 New York State Executive Budget Recommendations for Elementary and Secondary Education
- Definitions and Explanations of school aids displayed on the Executive Budget Estimates
- Change in Building Aid Estimates for Chapter 97 Projects
To view your district's estimates enter your district 6-digit BEDS code or district name in the top left hand corner under View District Data.
Reminder - Upcoming Deadline
To guarantee inclusion in the February 15th database file, all changes to 2019-20 SAMS should be submitted by January 15, 2020.
On December 6, 2019, Governor Cuomo signed Chapter 605 of the Laws of 2019 into law, which will allow SED to waive the days of session requirement on days for which school districts were required to close due to a properly executed local or state-level state of emergency. In some cases, this may mean that a used snow day that occurred during a declared state of emergency need not be made up, or that subsequent vacation days do not need to be re-purposed into a session day. This legislation is retroactively effective beginning with the 2019-20 school year (July 1, 2019). The State Aid Office will provide further information in the near future on how this change may impact your minimum instructional hour and days of session requirements, and what information will be necessary to confirm the proper execution of a state of emergency.
2019-20 State Aid Calendar of Deadlines
Changes to the ST-3 Form for the 2018-19 School Year (2019-20 Claim year SAMS)
List of changes to 2018-19 School Year ST-3 Form (2019-20 Claim Year)
Now Available - 2019-20 Claim Forms are now available in SAMS
For SAMS operating instructions/training materials, go to SAMS Training Materials
Final Review of fall 2018 Enrollment and Free & Reduced Price Lunch (FRPL) Counts Affecting your District’s State Aid ( 40 KB)
2019-20 State Aid Handbook ( 754 KB)
Important Notice on Building Aid Form Submissions
ESSA Financial Transparency Reports
The ESSA Financial Transparency Report Preliminary Draft Guidance is now available for school district review. NYSED is providing a Feedback Period until July 17, 2019. If you would like to submit feedback, please see the survey link at the site above. Any questions may be directed to ESSAFinTrans@nysed.gov.
2019-2020 Charter School Basic Tuition and Supplemental Basic Tuition
Definition and listing of 2019-20 Charter School Basic Tuition and Supplemental Basic Tuition Rates.
2018-19 EPE Output Reports now available within 2018-19 SAMS and to the Public.
Important Reminder
Updating School District and BOCES SAMS State Aid Data for 2018-19 Aid and 2019-20 Projections
2019-20 State Aid Projections: Preliminary Estimate of 2018-19 and 2019-20 State Aids Payable under Section 3609 plus Other Aids
- Definitions and Explanations of aids displayed on the 2019-20 State Aid Estimates
- Link to your District's 2018-19 Aid Projections
Reminder - Upcoming Deadline
To guarantee inclusion in the February Database file, all changes to 2018-2019 SAMS should be submitted by January 15, 2019
The Resident Weighted Average Daily Attendance (RWADA) Aid Ratio for 2019-20 Projected Aid has been updated due to a change in the Statewide Average AV/RWADA. Please review the Resident Weighted Average Daily Attendance (RWADA) and RWADA Aid Ratios Report for the update.
See the SAMS Public Reports to view the Output Report.
Drop in Aid on 1718 PUB State Aid Output Reports Based on 1617 Enrollment Year High Cost Public STACs (see STAC Unit Homepage for details)